Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Madness Monday: Tuesday edition

Sorry I didn't post my crazy weekend news story yesterday but I was busy.

On Christmas Eve, predominant Dallas pastor, Sandra McGriff was arrested while robbing the home of one of her church goers. She was caught by a neighbor who saw her enter the house through a broken window. When the police arrived she was loading fur coats, designer purses and electronics (all worth about $10,000) into her car.

She claims that she was driving by the house when she saw two burglars enter the house and she decided to follow them through the window.

When the police confronted her, she used a fake name and then attacked the officers! She claims that she was on pain pills and didn't know what she was doing... WHAT A LOAD OF B.S.!!

This women is... WAS... a well respected religious head in her community BUT cops found that she had a criminal record for prostitution and fraud! Her parishioners looked to her for guidance but it seems to me that what they were getting was a lie. I understand that people turn their lives around all of the time but apparently this woman was not yet one of those people!

What has our country come to when we have to question whether or not our church pastor is an honest human being. In this crazy world many people seek solace in church, they go for answers and life guidance. Where do you go when that person you once trusted turns out to be a dishonest criminal?

Not only do I believe this women committed this stupid crime but I believe she knew full well what she was doing and then lied about being on pain medication... even if she was on pain meds, SO WHAT!! Millions of people take heavy pain medication everyday and you don't see them burglarizing peoples homes. I think I would have had just a little (just a smige) more respect for her if she would have said "Man, I funked (spelled wrong intentionally) up. I don't know what I was thinking". Now she has to answer to her boss the Big Man!!

What do you think? Is she a big fat liar or did the pain meds really overtake her mind?

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