Monday, December 20, 2010

Madness Monday: 1st edition

So I have decided to give my blog a bit of direction. A few days a week I will make an on going themed post and I have decided that Mondays will now be know as Madness Monday. On Madness Monday I will give a quick synopsis on a crazy news story from over the weekend.

Here is a news story from this weekend that made my jaw drop: Women Killed by Pot-Hole

A man and his wife and their two kids were driving along I-20 headed home to South Carolina in their Ford pick-up truck. Another women was driving in the opposite direction on the freeway when she hit a pot hole and sent a chuck of pavement flying through the air. No one knew how big the chunk was but it put a hole the size of a football in the truck windshield, injuring the wife, who died the next day.

Crazy!! Just think about all the things some people do to stay alive for as long a possible. Health nuts who don't eat a single artificial thing and exercise for hours a day... but the reality of it is, no one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.

I know that the title of my blog is "Life: It goes on" and some will think that my last statement contradicts that but this isn't true. We are all going to die but until then I believe we should do the things that make us happy, things that bring smiles to our faces and to the faces of the people we love. The way I see it, all of these health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing and I can bet a few of them will have some regrets.

That's just my two cents.

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