Thursday, December 16, 2010

Breed Restirctions

In 14 days, my happy ass will be on a plane headed for North Carolina. Hubby and I are having a hell of a time finding a place to live. A lot has to do with our dogs. The 2 big dogs are over 50lbs... that right there eliminated 90% of our rental options. Another problem has a lot to do with something called a breed restriction list... that's right, the state of North Carolina believes that we should punish an entire breed for something that one badly trained dog did. My youngest dog, Booker is a German Short-Haired Pointer mix with a Pit Bull. Ask anyone who has been around him, he is the sweetest, most mild mannered dog but because he is half pit, some believe that he must absolutely be violent and uncontrollable.

Any time I hear someone argue the cause of breed restrictions, I get steam coming out of my ears, angry! If you are the type of person who believes that pit bulls are inherently violent I urge you to do some research! Just because you neighbors best friends brother, got bit by a pit bull whose owner was a complete moron, doesn't mean that the entire breed should be punished! Hell, a few years ago I was at a friends house and her tiny Yorkie kept biting peoples ankles and occasionally drew a little blood. You don't see me going up in arms about what a horrible breed Yorkshire's are, you know why, because a lot of the fault of that dogs behavior fell on my friend. She let her dog continue this behavior all night, sometimes even encouraging it by laughing and saying "Haha my puppy got you too"! Dumb people should not be allowed to own dogs(see below picture for proof), therefore I am a strong supporter of punishing the owner for the dogs deed. Even if you don't have a pet that is affected by breed restrictions, I urge you to look into the laws in your state and stand up for what is right. Booker is part of my family and I love him very much. He is a good dog who deserves more respect then being categorized as violent because of his breed.

Please take the time to visit the websites below and do a little research. You may be very surprised at what you learn. I know that I was!

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