Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Break!!

I know it's Monday, I don't care... I couldn't find a story that was interesting enough for me to waste my time on. So instaed I am going to write about my upcoming trip. Ever since I was a kid my mom and I have been going to Perdido Key, Florida for spring break. I don't get to go every year, in fact I haven't been down there for the last 6 years. So as you can imagine, I am really excited about this trip! The whole goal of this trip is to do as little as possible and walk away with on hell of a tan and hopefully no hangover!! By day we sit by the pool or the ocean, drink margaritas and laugh. In the evenings we walk down to the local watering hole, The Flora-Bama Lounge, listen to some live music and drink way to many beers. On this trip I also get to see my step-brother who I haven't seen in nearly a decade (our parents split). He is a tattoo artist and he is gonna hook me up with some new ink (a tribute to my mom). I will be sure to post plenty of pictures. So If I don't post at all next week, you'll no why... I am probably hammered!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Madness Monday: Sluts on Parade

Ok... so I love this story. In Toronto and cop made a statement that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” WHAT AN ASS!! Basically this cop is saying the female sexual assault victims who were dressed "slutty" were asking to be raped! Wow!!

Well his comment sparked and unexpected and kind of hilarious reaction: A SLUT PARADE!

On Sunday April 3rd, 1500 people took to the streets of Toronto for their first ever SlutWalk. Walk organizer Sonya Barnett said she wanted to use the walk to re-claim the word "slut" and also demand that victim-shaming change.

Now I understand that some sexual assault victims come forward with false accusations... it sucks but it happens. I believe that the majority of the victims that come forward are telling the truth, and for someone to have the nerve to tell a victim that she deserved to get raped because she was wearing a short skirt or a low cut top, needs to get punched square in the face!!! That's just my two cents. I will leave you with some photos from Sunday's SlutWalk.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Throwback Thrusday: Fraggle Rock

One of my all time favorite kids shows. It aired in the mid to late 80's on HBO but re-runs were aired on the Disney channel in the 90's, which is when I watched it. What ever happened to great shows like this?

For those who don't know Fraggle Rock was a children's live action puppet television program series created by Jim Henson. The central characters were a set of "Muppet" creatures called Fraggles. “Fraggle Rock” showed a colorful and fun world. While the program was entertaining and amusing, it seriously dealt with such issues as prejudice, spirituality, personal identity, environment, and social conflict. The show became a worldwide hit, like Sesame Street and The Muppet Show.

Lets see if this jogs some memories... here are some the of more popular characters from the show: You can't start an episode of Fraggle Rock without Doc and Sproket! Gobo Fraggle: the main character and the leader of the Fraggles Red Fraggle: My favorite of all the fraggles Doozers were the small critters that worked in the caves of Fraggle Rock This family of Gorgs lived outside of Fraggle Rock and they claimed to be the rulers of the universe. The Trash Heap, a wise being (referred to as an "oracle"), serves as the garbage dump of the Gorgs.

Well I sure hope you enjoyed our trip down memory lane together. Soon we will be able to enjoy this gem of a show again, because Fraggle Rock: The Movie will be released in 2012.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have been away for 3 months... but with good and unpreventable reasons. Husband and I moved to North Carolina on the 31st of December and I had to go through training from the 4th of January til the 8th of March (no computer access). I checked into my new command and I have finally been given computer access here at work. My new job affords me plenty of free time so I should be able to keep up with my blog. For now at least. Once we get closer to a deployment I may be a bit more busy.

So for my blog I have decided on the following themes:
Madness Monday- Weird and/or crazy news story that got my attention over the weekend
Couldn't think of anything that rhymes with Tuesday- I will talk about anything I want (most likely myself)
Wordless Wednesday- Pictures and ONLY pictures of crap I like/find interesting
Throwback Thursday- Stories/pictures/whatever/ etc from the past
Freedom Fridays- Reasons why I think America is AWESOME!!!

I know I don't have followers but it's no biggie... my mom reads it (at least she says she does) and that all that matters.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Madness Monday: Tuesday edition

Sorry I didn't post my crazy weekend news story yesterday but I was busy.

On Christmas Eve, predominant Dallas pastor, Sandra McGriff was arrested while robbing the home of one of her church goers. She was caught by a neighbor who saw her enter the house through a broken window. When the police arrived she was loading fur coats, designer purses and electronics (all worth about $10,000) into her car.

She claims that she was driving by the house when she saw two burglars enter the house and she decided to follow them through the window.

When the police confronted her, she used a fake name and then attacked the officers! She claims that she was on pain pills and didn't know what she was doing... WHAT A LOAD OF B.S.!!

This women is... WAS... a well respected religious head in her community BUT cops found that she had a criminal record for prostitution and fraud! Her parishioners looked to her for guidance but it seems to me that what they were getting was a lie. I understand that people turn their lives around all of the time but apparently this woman was not yet one of those people!

What has our country come to when we have to question whether or not our church pastor is an honest human being. In this crazy world many people seek solace in church, they go for answers and life guidance. Where do you go when that person you once trusted turns out to be a dishonest criminal?

Not only do I believe this women committed this stupid crime but I believe she knew full well what she was doing and then lied about being on pain medication... even if she was on pain meds, SO WHAT!! Millions of people take heavy pain medication everyday and you don't see them burglarizing peoples homes. I think I would have had just a little (just a smige) more respect for her if she would have said "Man, I funked (spelled wrong intentionally) up. I don't know what I was thinking". Now she has to answer to her boss the Big Man!!

What do you think? Is she a big fat liar or did the pain meds really overtake her mind?