Monday, April 4, 2011

Madness Monday: Sluts on Parade

Ok... so I love this story. In Toronto and cop made a statement that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.” WHAT AN ASS!! Basically this cop is saying the female sexual assault victims who were dressed "slutty" were asking to be raped! Wow!!

Well his comment sparked and unexpected and kind of hilarious reaction: A SLUT PARADE!

On Sunday April 3rd, 1500 people took to the streets of Toronto for their first ever SlutWalk. Walk organizer Sonya Barnett said she wanted to use the walk to re-claim the word "slut" and also demand that victim-shaming change.

Now I understand that some sexual assault victims come forward with false accusations... it sucks but it happens. I believe that the majority of the victims that come forward are telling the truth, and for someone to have the nerve to tell a victim that she deserved to get raped because she was wearing a short skirt or a low cut top, needs to get punched square in the face!!! That's just my two cents. I will leave you with some photos from Sunday's SlutWalk.

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