Monday, November 29, 2010

My Favorite Subject: ME!!

Hello to the wide world of blogging. I only started a blog because I enjoy typing... no really, I like to type... it makes me feel important. I have no idea if I am going to be an avid blogger or if this will be my one and only post but I promise to give it an honest effort. This blog will have absolutely no specific topic and my best guess is that I will be talking about myself a lot but that doesn't bother me :)

To start my first day of blogging I thought I would introduce myself:
My name is Hollie. I am 25 years old and I am enlisted in the US Navy. I have been in for 7 years and I pretty much love my job. I have been married for 3 years to a great man named Todd. Todd is 26 and a prior US Marine, he is now a full time student working on his degree in criminal justice. We have no children (yet) but we do have 3 awesome dogs. We currently reside in the rainbow state of Hawaii but we are gearing up to move to North Carolina at the end of December. I am originally from Michigan (Go Green!!) and Todd is from Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!!). In my free time, I enjoy roller skating and beating girls up, or in other words I play roller derby. I have a passion for roller derby and I can talk for hours on end about the sport but I will save that for a later post.

I guess that is enough for now. I am sure if I keep this blogging thing up you will get to know me quite well. I know I don't have any followers yet but if somewhere down the line someone finds me interesting and wants to know anything about me that I haven't already covered, please feel free to ask away. I will try to be honest.